Writing Numbers from Hope Education

Writing Numbers from Hope Education


Product code: HE1813886


Trace along the groves of these giant hardwood numbers for hands-on writing practice. Each number has arrows showing where to start and the correct direction to draw to encourage proper number formation. Includes numbers 1-9.

Includes a specially designed pencil so children can practice their pincer grip and leaves no mark so children can practice again and again.

Dimensions: L600 x H400mm.

Made from responsibly sourced wood.

Further Information

Age Range
3 Years +
Age Recommended from
3 Years
Hope Education
Key Stage
Learning Outcomes
Number Formation
Pack size
Product Type
Number Recognition & Formation

Trace along the groves of these giant hardwood numbers for hands-on writing practice. Each number has arrows showing where to start and the correct direction to draw to encourage proper number formation. Includes numbers 1-9.

Includes a specially designed pencil so children can practice their pincer grip and leaves no mark so children can practice again and again.

Dimensions: L600 x H400mm.

Made from responsibly sourced wood.

Further Information

Age Range
3 Years +
Age Recommended from
3 Years
Hope Education
Key Stage
Learning Outcomes
Number Formation
Pack size
Product Type
Number Recognition & Formation

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